Although taking care of your smile may seem like a simple task, there’s plenty of room for mistakes. Even if you brush frequently, you might have a few errors in your technique that can be detrimental to your oral health. Without proper care, your smile can become compromised and be at risk of more serious issues, such as cavities and gum disease. To avoid this, here are four teeth-cleaning mistakes you’ll want to fix so that you can better preserve your pearly whites!
#1: You Forget to Brush at Night
You’ve likely enjoyed several meals and drinks throughout the day. While it may be tempting to simply head straight to bed, you’ll want to brush and floss your teeth beforehand. There may be plenty of debris and food particles on and in between them. By not removing them before bed, you might allow bacteria to grow overnight, increasing your risk of cavities and infection. Brushing at night can help you prevent future dental problems from developing.
#2: You Avoid Flossing
Your toothbrush won’t be able to clean every surface of your smile, especially between your teeth. That’s why it’s crucial that you floss, as plaque buildup typically occurs in these hard-to-reach areas. This is best done before brushing, and you’ll want to ensure that you’re gentle enough to avoid damaging your soft gum tissue. If you’re having difficulty cleaning certain parts of your smile, consider using a water flosser to flush out particles.
#3: You Brush Only Once Daily
Brushing only once a day can leave your teeth and gum line vulnerable to plaque and bacteria buildup. Without sufficient cleaning, your gums and bone tissue can end up at risk of infection, raising the chances of dental decay or tooth loss. By brushing at least twice a day, you can preserve your oral health much more efficiently.
#4: You Brush Too Aggressively
While this might save you time removing debris and plaque, this can also damage your enamel over time. This can cause your teeth to weaken, exposing them to harmful bacteria that can eat away at them. If left untreated, this may increase the risk of decay and infection. Instead, make sure to brush gently and thoroughly, that way you can remove plaque and keep your smile safe in the long run.
If you have concerns about your teeth-cleaning techniques and want to improve them, feel free to consult your dentist. They’ll be more than happy to help you maintain your best dental health!
About the Author
Dr. Joseph Montalbano graduated with his dental doctorate from Rutgers University and regularly seeks continuing education to expand his skills. He’s also a member of several prestigious groups like the New Jersey Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry. He provides multiple advanced treatments, including dental checkups/cleanings and gum disease therapy. If you’d like to know more about preserving your smile, visit his website or call him at 609-499-3800.